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Income Confidential


New Special Report Reveals How To


Discover the Insider's Secret to Multiplying Your Income by 1,000%


Inside this Report:

  • Secure 20% - 22% income from cash-flowing real estate properties – WITHOUT being a landlord or buying a single rental unit.
  • Collect $18,235 in Supercharged Payouts – from America’s most profitable businesses.
  • Buy undiscovered income funds at 32% DISCOUNT to the true value of its bonds and ETFs.
  • Grab a 45% dividend payment in just 1-day! Plus, you can get these payouts up to 3X every month!
  • Lock-in an 88.8% Shadow Fund Profit – even when stocks are crashing and everyone is in a panic.

From the Desk of Stephen Mauzy CFASteve Mauzy

Fellow Investor,

The investment world as you know it has come to an end…

And it’s opening a brand-new world of opportunity for YOU.

You see, for the last 13 years you could buy stocks, bonds or funds… And simply watch them rise month after month.

Whenever there was a hint of bad news for financial markets…

The Federal Reserve would jump in and save the day by lowering interest rates or printing money to pump up the market.

It was the best of times for investors in America’s financial markets.

Yet everything changed in 2022.   

That’s when Fed began raising interest rates to fight inflation.

The war against inflation sent prices falling for stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and even some real estate last year.

And it’s creating a new regime where “buy and hold” investing is dead.

The biggest Wall Street firms now recommend big changes. Morgan Stanley says...

“The classic portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds may no longer provide the same level of returns.”

And BlackRock says that they’re completely rethinking their investment portfolios…

The biggest Wall Street firms now recommend big changes

A decade of low interest rates made it impossible to generate significant cash flow from your investments.

That’s changing right now. And it’s creating a huge opportunity.

Today you can “buy low” and scoop up cash flowing investments at a healthy discount to their fair value.

And that means your future cash flows are better than at any time in +10 years.

Meaning you can make money in two ways…

#1. You’ll earn high yields on your cash investment today.

#2. You’ll capitalize with long-term capital gains as asset prices rise.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how to quickly create multiple streams of cash-flow…

So you’re able to grow your income and build wealth without simply waiting for stocks to rise.

How to earn passive income every single month.

Passive income lets you to get paid without selling your time for money.

You can increase your cash flow without…

  • Ending your retirement – and getting a job
  • Finding a 2nd job
  • Hoping your boss will give you another raise
  • Launching a side hustle like driving for Uber
  • Cashing out your investments or retirement accounts

Now, when you think about earning investment income, you’re likely thinking….

  • 2% with dividend stocks
  • 4% with 10-Year Treasuries
  • 5% with a 3-month CD
  • 6% with corporate bonds

There’s nothing wrong with a 2% dividend or 5% in a CD.

However, unless you’ve got millions to invest… These low-yield investments won’t really help your income.

Today, I’m pulling back the curtain to reveal how to create HUGE cash flow… And earn high-yields from safe and secure investments…

That are overlooked and off the beaten path.

For example, in a moment you’ll discover how to use “Shadow Funds” to buy stocks, bonds or real estate at a huge discount.

Many of these funds are paying out 10% yields - with checks being mailed out every single month!

And Shadow Funds with the highest yields are paying out as much as 21%, 29%, 34% and even 67%.

These yields are much bigger than you’d get from your typical ETF including:

  • Nasdaq ETF: 0.7% yield
  • S&P ETF: 1.7% yield
  • Dividend Aristocrats: 2.2% yield
  • Vanguard Bond ETF: 5% yield
  • SPDR High Yield: 6% yield

Now, if you put $10k into one of these regular ETFs…

You’d be pulling in between $70 and $560 over the next year.

Yet with Shadow Funds that same investment could be paying you $2,100… $2,900, $3,400 or even $6,700!

Plus, the capital gains from these funds can be huge.

I’ll also show you how America’s most profitable companies are paying out huge “Supercharged Payouts.”

These are similar to regular dividend payments.

However, they’re paid out in a single day! And the payments can be as big as 28%... 39%... Or even 45%.

That means if you invest $10k…

You could be pulling in $2,800… $3,900… or even $4,501 in 1-day!

Finally, you’ll discover how to pull in huge income from what I call “Income Alternatives.”

These investments are NOT connected to stocks, bonds or funds.

They’ll give you a chance to earn sizable cash payments…

Regardless of what’s happening in the stock market.

I’ll show you how it’s possible to…

  • Earn 44% annualized profits with an Alternative Income Hedge Fund…
  • Lock-in a minimum 7% income from your home for the next 30 years…
  • Grab 20% cash flow investing in Kansas cattle...
  • Earn cash flow and up to 30% returns with American farmland….
  • Build a cash-flowing portfolio of real estate that pays you 20.2%... 21.5%... and even 22.3% income every month!

Now, it’s impossible for me to know details on your personal situation.

So please ask yourself a simple question…

What is your passive income goal?

Today I’m going to reveal the very best income secrets that I’ve discovered during my 30+ years of investing.

The best part is that these passive income secrets are 100% scalable.

That means they can “work” if you have $5,000 or $10,000 saved.

They work if you’re sitting on a +$1 million retirement nest egg...

Or if you’re somewhere in between.

They could be your #1 solution for earning $500, $5,000, $10,000 or even over $25,000 per month.

These secrets are the most attractive passive income opportunities that could grow your income by 3X… 5X... even 10X.

10X your monthly income

I am personally using many of these passive income secrets.

And I’m sharing everything with YOU so you’ll be able to build your very own Passive Income Blueprint.

Claim YOUR Passive Income Blueprint Today!
Click for 10 Gifts to Celebrate Labor Day

I’ve Spent My Career Helping Investors Reach Their Income Goals

My name is Stephen Mauzy and I’m the Chief Income Strategist at Wyatt Investment Research.

You may already know me as an income expert whose work has appeared in Barron’s Magazine, CNBC and Fox Business News.

I’m also a CFA Charterholder with +30 years of investment experience.

And, I “eat my own cooking” – thanks to the secrets I’m about to show you, I have been able to travel the world and live the lifestyle of my choice.

And now I’m going to show you:

  • Why the bear market is actually good news for YOU – if you make the right moves right now.
  • The “Passive Income Flywheel” for building generational wealth.
  • How to make 48%... 57%... and 88% with Shadow Funds – even when stocks crash.
  • Why America’s most profitable stocks will be sending out huge cash payouts by Dec. 31.
  • How to get 44% annualized profits with the Alternative Income Hedge Fund.
  • How to use Supercharged Payouts to earn $3,360, $4,100 and even $4,500 in 1-day.
  • The best OFF Wall Street deals to earn 20.2%... 21.5%... and 22.3% in real estate.

Why Passive Income is the Key to Freedom

Time is the one great equalizer in the world.

Every person gets the same 24-hours per day and 168 hours per week.

And most working age people spend ¼ of their time working.

The difference between wealthy people and everyone else is HOW they spend their time. And HOW they earn their income.

Today, 94% of American workers trade their time for money.

Yet the secret to building wealth is to earn income… WITHOUT selling your time.

It’s what I call “passive income.” With passive income you get paid regardless of your time.

And, it’s passive income that provides people with a real sense of freedom and security.

As I mentioned, most Americans earn income from their wages – again “time for money.”

Yet wealthy people don’t simply depend on a salary.

Labor Income Greatly Exceeds Investment Income

In fact, the IRS defines 7 types of income. And each of these can be used to boost your cash flow every month.

7 Streams of Income

  1. Earned income – “time for money”
  2. Business income
  3. Interest income
  4. Dividend income
  5. Rental income
  6. Capital gains
  7. Royalties & licensing

Unfortunately, most regular Americans are only tapping into 1, 2 or 3 of these income streams. And that’s a huge mistake.

However, if you want to grow your wealth…

You must begin generating multiple streams of income.

Why Today is the BEST Time to Build Your Passive Income Roadmap

The world is changing fast.

Until recently, inflation was below 2%.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

And so, the Fed was happy to keep interest rates low. 

They implemented a zero interest rate policy… Also known simply as “ZIPR.”

zero interest rate policy aka. ZIPR

Rates have been 0% for 9 of the past 12 years. Now, this was great for the stock market… 

Rates have been 0% for 9 of the past 12 years

With the S&P ripping higher by 582%. Yet this was a horrible time for income investors. 

Record low Treasury Yields… 

With the S&P ripping higher by 582%.

Record low corporate bond yields… 

Record low corporate bond yields

Record low CD Yields. 

Record low CD Yields. 

Basically, if you saved a lot of money…

You were punished for being responsible and putting it in a safe place.

Today, this is starting to change, as the Fed raises interest rates.

This has done two important things.

First, higher interest rates mean you earn more on your savings.

Even the lowest risk investments are paying…

  • 4% with 10-Year Treasuries
  • 5% with a 3-month CD
  • 6% with corporate bonds

I’m not expecting you to get excited about earning 4% - 6%...

Even though it’s a huge improvement from 0.1% a couple years ago.

My point is simply that yields are rising – and this is actually good news for people looking to start earning passive income.

Second, rising interest rates have hurt the value of many income investments. In fact, many of the top income investments are well below their highs.

Even home prices are to level off in some of the hottest real estate markets.

Lower prices mean the value has improved significantly.

This actually creates a perfect setup for earning passive income.

Today you can “buy low” and scoop up cash flowing investments at a steep discount to their fair value. And that means your future cash flows are better than at any time in +10 years.

This means you can generate income in two ways.

#1. You’ll earn high yields on your cash investment today.

#2. You’ll capitalize with long-term capital gains as asset prices rise.

You can have your cake and you get to eat it too.

Now is the perfect time to build your passive income streams.

Because when you’re speculating – you’re hoping and praying that the value of your investments will rise.

But as you’ll discover today… There’s a far better way to achieve complete financial freedom no matter what happens with the U.S. economy or the stock market.

Most folks think investing for income is boring.


The richest and most successful investors have found that safe and steady income from your investments can be the key…

To safety and security – while also building remarkable wealth.

And that’s possible thanks to something that I call…

The Passive Income Flywheel

In a couple of minutes, I’ll share the specific details showing how to use my passive income secrets.

And I’m convinced that this is the fastest way that you can earn up to 10X more income.

Before sharing these specifics, I’d like to share with you the secret to using passive income to build true wealth. 

“True wealth” means different things to different people.

Jim Collins

It could be $50,000… $100,000… $250,000… $1 million or $5 million.

You get to choose.

Building true wealth from passive income boils down to a concept revealed by Jim Collins. 

Jim Collins Book Good to Great

He’s famous for writing the NYT and WSJ bestseller “Good to Great” – with over 3 million copies sold!

One of Collins’ famous concepts is what he calls The Flywheel Effect.

The basic concept here is that to achieve any great goal…

You get one step started and then follow it with other steps.

And step-by-step – you start getting better results.

Corporate America has embraced the flywheel concept.

Here you can see the approach at Amazon...

Amazon flywheel

Tesla has also embraced the flywheel…

Tesla flywheel

And you see the same thing happening at Vanguard – one of the world’s biggest asset managers.


But, how does this apply to passive income?

When most people think about investing for passive income, they’re thinking about $500… $1,000… or $5,000 per month.

And their immediate desire is to use this cash flow to pay the bills.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but right here I’m going to show you a better way you can use to increase your cash flow by 10-times.

What I’ve found is that people who build true wealth might use some of their passive income to cover the bills.

Yet over time they reinvest the passive income cash flow into the next passive income investment.

And this can become a perpetual force – just like Jim Collins’ flywheel.

Just like the flywheel that made Vanguard the #1 mutual fund company.

The flywheel that made Tesla the most valuable automaker.

And the flywheel that enabled Amazon to surpass Walmart.

Here’s what the Passive Income flywheel looks like…

Passive Income Flywheel

First, take money that you saved or earned. 

Second, make your first conservative passive income investment. 

Third, start earning monthly cash payments from that investment.  

Fourth, use that cash for investments that pay huge one-day payouts – letting you earn up to 45% in just 1-day. 

Fifth, use that cash flow to make “off Wall Street” investments. to earn cash outside of the public markets.  

And the cycle keeps repeating itself. This allows you to constantly re-invest the cash flow into your next passive income investment.

So, every month you’re earning larger and more diversified streams of income – WITHOUT work. 

The Passive Income Flywheel reinforces the idea that…

You can build lasting wealth from cash-flowing investments.

Now that you understand this concept – you’re probably wondering… “What exactly are the best passive income investments right now?”

Your Top 3 Passive Income Streams

These are 3 types of cash flow generating investments…

That you can make today to earn safe and consistent income.

These investments are where the rubber meets the road.

And by using these in conjunction with one another, you can build your own passive income flywheel.

So, let’s reveal the 3 biggest passive income opportunities.

Income Stream #1: Shadow Funds
Start Collecting Low-Risk Passive Income Every Month

You’re probably familiar with mutual funds and ETFs.

However, some of the world’s best investors, including Warren Buffett, Bill Ackman, David Einhorn, and Carl Icahn…

Have used Shadow Funds to quickly grow their income and wealth.

I call them Shadow Funds because these profit opportunities are hiding in the shadows of the most popular investments.

You may know these by their official name: Closed-End Funds.

Most investors are unfamiliar with Shadow Funds.

Forbes says that only 9% of Americans have invested. And that means 91% of investors are clueless!

Even fewer understand the advantages versus other investments.

For example, most dividend stocks pay dividends quarterly.

However, these Shadow Funds typically pay monthly income.

It’s not uncommon to get paid 10%... 15%... or even 20%.

That makes it easy to plan ahead for how to use the cash. What’s more, the yields on these passive income funds can be huge. I screened 448 funds and found remarkably high yields of…

  • 21.7%
  • 29.4%
  • 34.1%
  • 34.7%
  • 67.0%

If you put $10k into one of these funds, you could be earning $2,940, $3,410 or even $6,700!

And remember that most of these payments are made monthly.

Finally, these Shadow Funds can offer sizable capital gains.

With ETFs and mutual funds – the current share price reflects the total value of all of the investments held in the fund.

So, if the value of those investments is $100 – you’ll pay $100.

However, with Shadow Funds the price is always different.

Sometimes, it trades above the value of the investments.

Other times, it trades below the value of the investments.

Shadow Funds are actively managed like mutual funds and there are all types…

Shadow Funds Chart

And like ETFs, Shadow Fund shares are traded through any brokerage, so you can buy or sell shares any time during market hours.

But UNLIKE a Mutual Fund or an ETF…

The share price is determined by supply and demand, NOT the value of the assets in the portfolio.

This means that the Shadow Fund is subject to investor sentiment – so it can become irrationally out-of-step with the true value of the fund’s holdings.

For example, the actual value of the fund could be $30 a share, but the share price itself could be trading at $15 a share.

And that means you have a chance to scoop up these funds at deep discounts to their true value.

This allows you to earn huge income every single month – plus, you’ll be buying these cash producing funds at discounts of 10%... 20%... 30%... even over 50%.

These Shadow Funds give you instant passive income today, plus longer-term gains with sizable capital appreciation.

VIX chart

The best time to scoop up amazing Shadow Funds is when they are trading at a huge discount to their fair value.

This allows you to earn high yields and sizable capital gains.

For example, I was recently ably to see gains of…

  • 27.7% investing in bonds and leveraged loans.
  • 30.5% from global real estate investments…
  • 32.4% with preferred stocks.
  • 37.4% with unique special situation investments.
  • 48% with a Shadow Fund that owns both bonds and stocks.
  • 57.2% with a fund that pays out more income as interest rates rise.
  • 88.8% with a value fund that invests in stocks REITs, MPLs and debt.

The best performing of these funds was briefly trading at a 46% discount to its true value!

My research has identified 17 of these Shadow Funds to BUY NOW. And you can typically scoop up shares for as little as $10 or $20 each.

Most popular mutual funds have a $2,000 or $5,000 minimum.

Hedge funds typically require a $250,000 investment.

And private equity funds typically require over $1 million.

Yet you can get started with Shadow Funds with as little as $10.

Today, my favorite Shadow Funds are paying at least 10% in income – paid monthly.

Plus, they’re currently trading at discounts of 15%... 24%... and 32%...

This is the perfect setup for income + capital gains.

That’s why Shadow Funds are so exciting.

You can start small.

You’ll earn huge monthly yields starting on day #1.

Plus, you can see huge capital gains by purchasing these funds at a ridiculous discount to their true value.

Today, there are many funds trading at a 10% - 40% discount!

You can BUY your first Shadow Fund today before the market closes.

And you could see quick gains of 37%, 57% or even 88%!

I’ll even send you the top 5 Shadow Funds to BUY NOW.

Before I do that – let’s take a look at the next opportunity.

Income Stream #2: Supercharged Payouts
Get Paid Up to 45% Yields in a Single Day

If you love Shadow Funds – you’re in for a real treat.

Collecting sizable payments every month on a set schedule will provide you with the safety and security of regular cash flow.

You’re going to be more excited with Supercharged Payouts.

These are NOT direct cash payments… From the U.S. government or some Welfare program.

Instead, they’re huge 1-day payments from the treasuries of America’s most profitable and financially sound companies.

These companies are now sitting on over $2.5 trillion in cash!

These cash payments are made to the employees, board members, executives… and regular shareholders like you and me.

Now, regular quarterly dividends are typically just 1% or 2%.

Yet these Supercharged Payouts can be huge. I’m talking about 1-day payouts of 28%... 39% and even 45%!

Most folks have never heard of Supercharged Payouts – even though CEOs at some of the most profitable companies have been rewarding stakeholders with the cash payments.

For example, Costco’s founder issued two Supercharged Payouts and he personally collected an estimated $9.75 million in 2018.

And in 2020 he collected a 2nd payment for $13 million! The recent payment was 14-times bigger than the normal dividend.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway also got in on the action… Collecting over $32.2 million in cash from Costco.

Several years ago, Microsoft was sitting on +$56 billion in cash. So, CEO Steve Ballmer decided to send out a Supercharged Payout.

The Wall Street Journal

“Bill Gates will be the largest beneficiary,
receiving a 1-time payment of more than $3 billion.”

“Steve Ballmer, the company’s CEO, would receive $1.2 billion.”

Meanwhile, casino mogul Steve Wynn is the founder of Wynn Resorts. And he recently used this strategy to pay himself a “bonus” totaling $25 million! 

Now, it’s not just famous billionaire CEOs who get paid.

For example, Equity Commonwealth declared a huge Supercharged Payout in 2020. Founder Sam Zell collected $24.9 million overnight.

Plus, the company’s CEO got paid $24.5 million!

When kitchen appliance company National Presto sent out its Supercharged Payout, the CEO instantly got paid $11.3 million.

When retailer Buckle paid its stakeholders the company’s CEO – and son of the founder… collected a check for $37.3 million!

Yet that was just a fraction of the cash collected by a trucker from Oklahoma.

Clarence Werner started a huge American trucking firm. After 30+ years of growing his business, he decided to share the company’s massive profits with his investors and stakeholders – including top Wall Street firms.

He personally pocketed $78.8 million!

Plus, his son also received $13.1 million on the same exact day!

Whenever a company issues a regular dividend or a Supercharged Payout…

Stock exchange rules force the market makers to adjust he stock price to reflect the payment amount.

Typically, the stock price bounces back pretty quickly – since investors love buying stocks issuing these huge payouts.

Now, you don’t need to be a billionaire like Warren Buffett, Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates, or Steve Wynn in order to collect Supercharged Payouts.

Anyone can start collecting these payouts.

Just like any other income investment you’ll make, the more capital you have to invest – the larger your payments.

Folks often tell me they invest $10k into one of these deals.

And the 1-day payouts can be huge based upon that amount.

In recent years, I’ve alerted my clients to the following payouts…

  • $2,400 from EMCORE
  • $2,530 from Park Aerospace
  • $2,820 from Mastercraft
  • $3,060 from Tredegar
  • $3,300 from Syntel
  • $3,360 from Shenandoah Tele.
  • $4,100 from Warrior Met Coal
  • $4,500 from NortonLifeLock

Here’s the best part: You can start collecting these 1-day payouts… With $50… $100… $500 or any amount.

There is NO MINIMUM investment.

Supercharged Payouts have been my “go to” income strategy for 6 years.

During this time I’ve found 108 of these 1-day payouts.

These payments are also known as special dividends.

You’re probably familiar with dividends – which are paid quarterly.

Supercharged Payouts, on the other hand, are paid in just 1-day.  And they’re usually much larger than regular dividends.

Here’s how these have performed during the last 8 years…

Year 1 - Supercharged Payouts
2016 Supercharged Payout

Year 2 - Supercharged Payouts
2017 Supercharged Payouts

Year 3 - Supercharged Payouts
2018 Supercharged Payouts

Year 4 - Supercharged Payouts
2019 Supercharged Payouts

Year 5 - Supercharged Payouts
2020 Supercharged Payouts

Year 6 - Supercharged Payouts

Year 7 - Supercharged Payouts

Year 8 - Supercharged Payouts

Every month you could be collecting 1 - 2 Supercharged Payouts.

These payouts are happening every 20 days on average.

And that means you could be collecting your very first Supercharged Payout for $3,360, $4,100 or even $4,500…

Within the next 30 days.

I also have a 3rd and final passive income secret to share with you today.

Income Stream #3: Income Alternatives
Build Passive Income Streams
WITHOUT Counting on Stocks, Bonds or ETFs

99% of my work focuses on investments that you can make in a regular brokerage account.

But there are many attractive passive income investments you can make that are completely disconnected from Wall Street, the stock market, bonds, ETFs, or mutual funds.

These investments can pay huge income.

Plus, you’ll sleep well at night knowing that they won’t fluctuate with the day-to-day moves of the financial markets.

This is the 3rd part of your passive income blueprint.

Let’s share a few that are extremely interesting and timely.

One new Alternative Income Hedge Fund is now open to regular investors.

The fund instantly gives you diverse exposure to investments including music royalties, collectable art, real estate, collectable wine, equipment financing, and startup venture capital.

The fund has been operating for 3-years – with 44.9% annualized gains AFTER fees.

Unlike most hedge funds – you do NOT need $500,000 or $1 million to invest. In fact, you can get started with as little as $5,000!

Farmland is another play that’s really exciting.

You’ve heard that there are crop shortages worldwide, due to extreme weather and geopolitical issues.

Today, you can add cash-flowing farmland to your portfolio.

It lets you collect rent checks from America’s farmers.

Now, you don’t need millions of dollars to buy a farm.

Today, you can pool your money with other investors… Buy a few acres of farmland in America… And lease that land to a farmer who will use the land and pay you rent.

As far as I know, there is NO WAY to buy this type of property through a regular brokerage account.

There are 5 main benefits:

  1. Safety of long-term leases
  2. Zero operational or crop risk
  3. Strong cash flow
  4. Actual ownership of land
  5. Price appreciation potential

Right now, you could scoop up a stake in deals such as…

This onion and potato farm in Washington…  


This corn and soybean farm in Minnesota…

Or this row crop farm in Georgia growing corn, cotton and peanuts. With a new 5-year lease – the cash flow will be rolling in. 


Farmland is a long-term investment with a time horizon of at least 3 – 5 years. Yet that can be perfect if you’re patient.

Plus, you’ll be earning a return without the daily distraction of the markets.

Speaking of farmland, I recently found a related opportunity.

You could become a passive Kansas cattle rancher and earn 15% - 20% income per cattle.

A $2,000 investment lets you buy a single calf. 


Your investment covers the cost of the calf, feed, and raising the animal. One year later, the cattle will be processed and the beef will be sold.

Investors are guaranteed a 15% - 20% return, according to the operator.

That means you could pull in $400 in cash flow from every steer.

Plus, you’ll never have to set foot or “work” on a cattle range.

Ian Wyatt House

Right now, I’m planning to put solar panels on my house in Vermont.

The reason isn’t because I’m an environmentalist.

It’s because this is a cash flowing investment.

Here you can see a photo of my house.

There isn’t enough space on the roof, so this is a ground mount system.

Now, the financials on this are really interesting.

Because I can pay cash for the system and begin earning a guaranteed 7% yield on my solar system every year.

That may sound boring.

But I’m able to lock-in this 7% income…

For the next 20 years.

Plus, my income yield will rise 3% per year!

This basically guarantees similar returns to the S&P 500 without the volatility we’ve seeing in the past few years.

Now, if you don’t have cash for one of these systems, it’s easy to finance the whole thing with $0 down and lock in a 2% loan.

Plus, the U.S. government wants you to put solar on your house. That’s why they’re offering you a 30% tax refund on your solar.

Real estate is one of the best long-term investments, and many people invest in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”).

Simon Property is a REIT that pays 5% income. That’s fine.

But it’s nothing compared with earning an average 18.7% in cash flow from private real estate deals.

That’s 3X… 4X…. And even 5X bigger than typical REITs.

You could pull in 15.4% income from this senior housing development on a golf course.

Golf Course

This multi-family apartment complex outside of Houston could pay you 20.2%.

Apartment Complex

You could earn 21.5% investing in this multi-family apartment complex in Florida.


And you could grab 22.3% passive income from this 155,000 square feet industrial property outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.


With inflation currently around 3%, any of these passive real estate investments will keep your savings growing by at least 5X the rate of inflation.

Plus, the income is 5X more than a typical REIT. And it’s 5X more than you’d expect to earn at your local bank.

These are just 5 examples of “Income Alternatives”

  1. Alternative Income Hedge Fund with 44.9% returns
  2. Collect rent from American farmers
  3. 20% income from Kansas cattle
  4. Solar pays 7% guaranteed income
  5. Earn 22% from private real estate

You could start with any of these cash flowing investments today.

Plus, there are dozens of other off Wall Street deals just like these.

Remember that it all circles back to the Passive Income Flywheel…

Passive Income Flywheel

Because right now you can start collecting passive income… 

No matter what’s happening with stocks, the Fed, inflation, the economy, or even Presidential Elections. 

First, you can start earning monthly income using Shadow Funds.

Second, you’ll collect 1day Supercharged Payouts from America’s most profitable stocks. And these can pay $2,800... $3,900 and even $4,501 in a single day.

And third, you’ll build out multiple streams of passive income using hidden “off Wall Street” passive income opportunities.

Are you ready to get started? Today you have just 2 choices to make…

Choice #1:

Sit on the sidelines and hope the bull market continues.

Choice #2:

Start increasing your passive income by 10X.

Today, I’d like to invite you to access my brand new research with…

The Passive Income for Life Blueprint

The Fastest Way to 10X Your Cash Flow

I want to help you achieve a 1,000% increase in your passive income. Which means…

  • $100 in monthly income grows to $1,000
  • $500 in monthly income grows to $5,000
  • $1,000 in monthly income grows to $10,000
  • $2,500 in monthly income grows to $25,000

Now, this probably seems like a big promise.

That’s why I want to give you 100% FREE access to this very special Passive Income for Life Blueprint.

I’ll give you EVERYTHING you need to get started – including step-by-step instructions.

Download the Passive Income for Life Blueprint.

Click Here Now

Now there are no guarantees in life…

However, I’m confident that within a few months…

You’ll be sending me a “love letter” to share your amazing results.

Because over the years, I’ve gotten dozens of emails from clients who have multiplied their income with these same passive income strategies and trades.

Here are just a few of my favorite emails. Please remember that the results in these emails have not been verified.

These types of results are not necessarily typical and should NOT be viewed as proof that you will get similar results.

Official Testimonial

Madeline made $43,779 in payouts!

Official Testimonial

John made $11,341 in a few months!

Official Testimonial

Mark made 54.5% profits – in 51 days

Official Testimonial

Paul and Stephen sent in their results via email!

Official Testimonial

Official Testimonial

I’m 100% convinced that you can achieve 10X greater income with your Income for Life Blueprint.

Today you can claim access – 100% risk free.

Plus, you can lock-in a huge 97% savings with this very special discount.

Click here to get started!

Let’s get started today!

All the Best,

Steve Mauzy, C.F.A.


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None of the case studies, examples, testimonials, investment return or income claims made on WIR’s website or through its services is a guarantee of any income or investment results for you. WIR does not verify the income or investment results claims made in customer testimonials. Results for other customers may vary; for typical results, please see the Testimonial Support Page, linked below.

Past success is not a predictor of future success. Trading in securities involves risks, including the risk of losing some or all of your investment. Hypothetical or modeled portfolio results do not represent the results of an actually invested portfolio and are not back-tested for accuracy under actual, historical market conditions. There can be tax consequences to trading; consult your tax adviser before entering into trades. For additional WIR disclosures and policies, please click the links below.
Wyatt Investment Research, 65 Railroad Street, Richmond, VT 05477 USA